Contact info:

We love our work and want to share! Please read the following as it will save both of us lots of time:

  • We see clients by appointment only. PLEASE DON’T come to the studio without one. Why?

  • Before contacting us, please be sure you’ve read: Things I Don’t Do. This page list things I’m unable to do, but has links to businesses that do.

  • Please give your name when calling, texting or e-mailing.

  • If you send a photo of your project, please be aware that I normally cannot estimate the cost based on this alone. I almost always need to examine the piece in person.

  • I pride myself on returning ALL messages within 48 hours, usually much sooner. If I do not call you back, it means I did not get the message, so please try again.

  • I almost always have a waiting list. It can be as short as a month or as long as a year. Why?
